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Showing posts from March, 2019

Importance of Digital Marketing for eCommerce business in 2019

The rapid development of new technologies forces businesses to catch up to their pace. More businesses are incorporating digital marketing to their brand promotion plans, and having an online presence is becoming more important than ever. Traditional marketing is seen as no longer sufficient, and the incorporation of digital marketing makes revenues increase. In the case of eCommerce, digital marketing is vital to make your company grow. Now the question is… why is it so important? The world is moving on We all are well aware, especially as eCommerce owners, of the changes that technology has brought about. People prefer to lead a digital life, in the comfort of their house. There is no need for billboards or ads in magazines because that is not part of their world anymore. However, people are spending longer amounts of time on mobile devices and computers and syncing every aspect of their life on the cloud. Our lives are digital, and therefore our marketing should also be